Well, the interview was surprisingly painless! I was actually amazed by how friendly the guys interviewing people were. Then again, let's think positive, maybe they just really liked me. As far as the outcome, I'm not going to hold my breath. Cautiously optimistic is the phrase. They send out scores immediately afterward, and I was informed informally that if you get in the 90s or even in the high 80s your chances of getting in are pretty good. They do all the interviews and send scores out and then in May at the union board meeting they decide how many to take and start calling people based on the highest scores first. The only problem is they don't tell everyone essentially where you are on the list. Like if you would technically be number 45 on a list of 30. But I digress, my score was 86.5, just high enough to leave room for a little hope, but not likely. They said during the interview the only down they saw on my application was lack of experience, and I knew going in there that was my main drawback. So now my main problem is who around here is going to hire me if I don'tget in? Whether to add to my experience for next year or as a career. I'm going to be a little stir crazy until the end of May or so until I know for sure. Thanks for all the help, DUDES!