EUSERC must HATE SEU because I've never seen it out my way in all my days.

BTW, near the coast, SEU is going to possitively dissolve: aluminum corrodes like crazy if salt/ chloride ions are present.

Prove it: take some scrap feeder and stick it in a jar of salty water. Come back in a week and see what it looks like.

Aluminum forms a hard skin when oxidized -- by oxygen. This clear skin is so thin that we can see right through it.

Aluminum does not form a hard skin when oxidized -- by chlorine. It just goes and goes -- like the way rust does not sleep -- for iron/ steel.

Stainless steel works against rust because it also forms a hard skin -- very much in the manner of aluminum.

I was shocked to see no drip loops in that photo. To my way of thinking, water would wick its way into the building, for sure.
