Think of it as a look to OUR future.

Some time ago, a PoCo engineer made wrote a two-part article on 'how to ruin the electric business.' Even then it was clear that we were systematically going down the list. Maybe someone saved a link .... it's great reading.

The fact is, we've not been building nearly enough new capacity. Our current adminstration actually brags of all the old plants they've shut down. Utilities are unable to maintain, let alone improve, their infrastructure; only 'repair' costs are permitted.

This is too bad, because even in the 'godd old days' of the early 70's our PoCo's had significant "transmission losses."

Since then , PoCo's have greatly improved their line monitoring, which has allowed them to identify specific losses. With 'smart meters,' look for this bookkeeping to expand.

Soon, the PoCo will know what each pole pig is putting out - and be able to cross that to what they're billing. It will be interesting to see how much of the difference is caused by equipment problems and simple theft.

Don't expect the media to provide accurate information. Whether from honest ignorance or a deliberate desire to mis-inform, the media often isn't able to tell an artillery piece from a tank .... so I don't expect them to get anything technical right.

This mindset sees the PoCo as a 'vested interest,' the implication being that they're an unreliable source. Yet, the press releases of sundry "consumer advocates" are treated as Gospel, ignoring the agendas of these groups.