“An utter lack of grid discipline” and “a sheer lack of effective regulation” set the scene for the power crisis, said the Economic Times. “But mostly, the grid failure underscores the fact that politically powerful states can overdraw power from the grid with impunity.”

In India’s states, electricity is heavily subsidized, and distribution companies are mired in debt. Generation capacity has risen significantly in the past few years as private producers have set up power stations, but distribution companies are often too indebted to pay.

To make matters worse, up to 40 percent of the power that is generated is either stolen or leaks away from poorly insulated lines, thanks to decade of under-investment in the grid.


"...leaks away from poorly insulated lines..."

What cretin permitted those words to pass?


The Indian grid is effectively government owned -- with private elements only recently permitted -- and grudgingly at that.

The 'stolen' power is merely unbillable consumption -- typically power sent to the farmers and to crony capitalists -- both deemed essential voting blocs.


This is what happens when politicians gain control of the national grid: they ignore physics and economics.


That our national press can be that clueless WRT how electric power is 'lost' from the transmission system is very scary. It means that they'll run stories without cross checking with even ONE EE or EC.



Imagine the arcing that would occur if even 1% of the national output were 'bleeding off' of poorly insulated conductors. (!)
