If I didn't know better, I would have thought the video was an April Fools' joke.

Overloads: readily addressed by putting a fuse in the plug.

Arcing: The AFCI is already required. Plus, shielded 'safety' cords are already on the market, and can be found at any Wal-Mart.

Kiddies sticking fingers in the socket: Already addressed by "child proof" receptacles.

True that this is all said and done at some point, somewhere in our collective electrical history Reno

The statistical assertions are completely unsupported; the necessary data doesn't exist, and the studies we do have point to other factors.

The opening artwork of extension cords, etc., is exactly the same artwork used by Cutler-Hammer in the pre-1999 pitch for the AFCI. Remember the AFCI device?

Good catch. Further would be the methodology utilized by the agency responsible for collecting 'fire' stats>
the National Fire Incident Reporting System
This is a point of interest that often comes up, yet validation is rarely pursued.
As a former FF, i was incensed by the lazie faire attitude of minimal forensics directing major blame. But in the grander scope i find some cosolance in the old addage Correlation does not imply causation as is much of what is foisted upon us by corporate self enlightenment

Not only does this widget 'save the children,' it 'saves the environment' as well! Just let Big Brother follow behind you and decide whether you really need to have that light on.

Not content to make you replace every receptacle, this thing would also require you to replace every appliance. Yea, that'll save resources.

Finally, it has patents! "Patents" are simply a legal monopoly. While protecting intellectual property has some value, to follow this with a government fiat - and such would be an absolute necessity for this idea to work - is an example of the worst form of corruption.

That sales pitch is full of feel-good sentiments, buzzwords, and cant. Either a road to Hell paved with good intentions, or a cynical appeal to the useful idiots of whom Lenin spoke. Take your pick.

I honestly believe there are still honest intents, bloody do-gooders, and sorts that truly wish to help a situation and/or their fellow man , albeit they may susequently pave that road to predition without realizing it. I also believe many of them were bought out, and therby stifled. But what seems the root of your comment would be if the market, and in our case, the electrical market, is self-correcting.
This is where the debate turns toward Keynesian economics, being just as applicable as any other faction of the market
T'would be a issue for all you old timers that have seen the trade turn many times opine on eh?
