In Ontario, Industrial Electrician is NOT a regulated trade.
A company can therefore designate anybody to perform electrical work at their facility and it's legal.
The only time that I'm aware of that a compnay would get severe punishment from the MOL is if the person was hurt or killed and the company couldn't show that they (the worker) had received appropriate training.

You should also be aware that if a company has the CSS program, that a licensed electrical comtractor (that's not an employee) can go into that facility and not need to pull a permit for any maintenance work performed. The work just needs to be logged.

My biggest complaint with the CSS program is that it's not available to a licensed electrical contractor such as myself. I mean why shouldn't I be able to pay a flat fee per year that covers all maintenance work performed by my company? As long as the work is logged, the ESA can still go every 3 months and pick a random job to inspect, just like they do for a factory.
It's not right that I'm supposed to pull a permit just to go to a commercial building and change one ballast, or one light switch.