There are several ways to approach this.

The first is to say 'too bad' and moveon. You can't prevent everything.

Then there's the old practice of megger testing your circuits before you fire them up.

If you believe that there is a need for some 'common sense' to enter the code, where to start? Romex in metal studs seems to be, well, wrong (and I don't care that they sell bushings for the openings!). I'd like to see how the stuff is stapled! Add to this using plastic boxes - I don't see how those boxes were mounted securely - well, I guess I've lived a sheltered life. Must be from growing up in Chicago laugh At any rate, here's an ideal opening for local amendments to simply say: No Romex in metal framing."

GFCI breakers? AFCI breakers? Once again, we're using technology to try to accomodate an inadequate wiring method.