They don't have to sign a blank check when they agree to have the work done.

Who does this? Who walks into a customer and says "just give me a blank check, I'll tell you what it costs when I'm done". Come on. And the customer says "oh, ok.."
Most If not all EC, give a customer a price upfront, based on different conditions. Just most of us don't use a "one size fits all" book.
How about comparing clean jeans and collared, logo'd t-shirts, and decent looking, early model service trucks to "crisp" uniforms and brand new, lettered vans

Funny how they advertise crisp clean uniforms, but I've seen these 18yr old kids looking like "ragamuffins". Half a shirt hanging out, belts too long for their waists. Long sleeve shirts rolled up to thier shoulders. Not all of them mind you, just the guy me and HCE are referring to.

Decide which market you want to be in.

Exactly! And know what that market consists of.

The point that I was trying to make is that there are many levels of success..

Once again, and excellent statement.

and it is up to the individual to choose where he or she wants to be and then to ensure that they fit into their chosen market.

Key word is "ensure". You have to find a way to have a competitive edge in the market place. Whether it be fancy advertising gimicks, or price, or any combination of a bunch of factors. You have to ensure your business's survival. And growth....

As I said, I have worked for contractors who just want to make a living and I even have clients now who have that as their goal. But for those who aspire to higher goals, they have that right also.

You won't get an argument there. Well written 2nd post!!

I agree with Redsy on all these farse comparisions. They make no sense....

[This message has been edited by Dnkldorf (edited 07-13-2006).]