My Dad was probably my biggest influence. I remember looking at a brochure that listed many of the jobs in the Navy. My Dad said, "If I had a choice, I would do this (as he pointed to a description of Electrician's Mate)." I shot back, "Why would you do that?" He spouted, "Because I have a good job, but I don't have a trade, and if I lost my job, I couldn't find another one that would pay what this one does." He continued, "My Dad was a heavy equipment operator, and when he took me out on his jobs, I noticed the electricians." I replied, "Yes sir, you noticed the electricians?!" He resounded, "It's the most respected trade on the job. They're the first to arrive, and the last to leave every project."
Well, he was right. I did my 4 in the Navy, and went through the union aprenticeship when I got out. I've noticed over the short 12 years that I've been in the trade, that everybody gives the electricians a hard time, but nobody really wants to do what we do. I can't count the number of times I've heard, "Man, I'm deathly afraid of electricity." I sit there and grin. The GC's are scared of us because they don't know what the heck we do.
One thing is for sure. When something goes wrong, or a piece of equipment breaks, who do they call? Darn electrician.
I'm not always happy with my choice to be an electrician, but I know I made a good choice. I will tell anyone. If you don't know what you want with your life, become an electrician. There are so many directions that can be taken from this trade. The sky is the limit.

Sprouting my wings,

The Watt Doctor
Altura Cogen
Channelview, TX