Steve T was the one who said
180 degress out of phase
. I was speaking to him as well.

Anything but single phase will require a variable equal to the square root of the number of phases multiplied by the line to ground voltage to achieve the line to line voltages.

Square root of three = 1.73... 120 x 1.73... = 208

Square root of two = 1.41... 120 x 1.41... = 169.7... not 240. So to acheive 120V to neutral on a 2 phase system would require 169.7 Volts line to line.

Please explain how your description fits into this picture. It wouldn't be the first time that I was missing something, and I'll freely admit to being wrong if you are able to convince me as such.

Residential/Commercial Inspector
5 Star Inspections
Member IAEI