It's also illegal under irish wiring regulations to install any kind of light switch in a bathroom other than a ceiling mounted string operated switch which has to be out of reach of the shower/bath etc.
Hmm.... Even stricter than here. I've found that many householders are under the impression that only pull-cord light switches are allowed inside a bathroom in Britain, but that's not the case. A regular wall switch is acceptable so long as it's out of reach of the shower or tub.

I agree with you that the majority of British people wouldn't ask for an outlet in a bathroom, because they know that it's "wrong." But as you said yourself, it's because they've grown up with this notion and just accept that "That's the way it is."

NEC requirements aside, let me ask our American friends if they would accept a bathroom without a receptacle? (And not just a low-power one for a shaver.)

The point about the ridiculously small bathrooms in many British houses is well taken, though.

By the way, we know that a bathroom outlet is considered acceptable in most of Europe, but do any of your local codes actually require one?

[This message has been edited by pauluk (edited 08-04-2003).]