Wow -- A 3300-ft. tower and 32 turbines! It sounds like a project straight out of the works of Robert Heinlein or Arthur C. Clarke, but then science-fiction has a habit of turning into science-fact, given enough time.

I can just imagine the howls of protest if such a project were planned in England. There's an experimental windfarm about 10 miles down the coast from me, consisting of ten small wind turbines. Some people here are most unhappy about it "spoiling the countryside." I wonder if they'd prefer us to just keep building more conventional power stations to add to the pollution? Or are they going to give up their ever expanding range of power-hungry gadgets to keep peak demand down?

The double-hung "sash" window has been something of a dying breed in England for many years. You'll still find them in old Victorian houses (of which there are thousands), but it's unusual to see them in the average house built since the 1930s. Various styles of casement windows are the norm now. They're still much more popular in America, of course.