Oh boy.... I don't think I've run across anyone quite that bad. Most of the people I deal with are reasonable, although I've had moments when I wonder about their intelligence. Like the ones who wanted outlets, switches, and wall lights moved, and also wanted me to hide all the cables that were presently run in trunking around the top of the room.

Not a problem? Well, they'd just redecorated the place and didn't want any holes cut in the walls! Drop the cables into the wall cavities from above I hear you say. No... Flat-roofed house and I'm not allowed to either cut into the interior ceilings or remove any roofing materials from the outside. Up from underneath? Nope... Concrete floor, and I wasn't even going to think about digging that up, not that they'd allow it of course. Fish the cables through the cavity from holes made in the outside wall? You're kidding aren't you?! No way...

Ending up asking where the h*** they thought I was going to run cables. Maybe they imagined sci-fi style power beams invisibly transmitting electricity to each outlet! [Linked Image]

Seriously though, there have been a couple of occasions when I've seen wiring so dangerous that I've opened the main switch and told the people that I will not be responsible for turning it on again. I know they'll turn it on afterward, and probably not get anything done to the wiring for months, but what else can one do?