sparky — You bring up an important point. It took me a while to realize this, but whether it’s a solenoid coil, 6900-volt motor-control center, 2-amp icecube relay, or a DC hydraulic pump on the plant’s main 138kV breaker lineup — when some self-important management droid gets obnoxious, you can usually get them to blow a gasket by saying something like: “Sir, I’ll come and get you when I’m ready to restart the system. Until that time, I can work more safely and productively without distractions such as the one you are right now. I’m not sure at this point when exactly I’ll be done. Oh, and would you mind very much bringing me a liter of Evian water? Now, if you have concerns about your production reports and such, you may want to do this—start up your hot-standby [whatever it is — be the solenoid or MCC you’re trying to fix] and run it at least until I come get you.”

Blood pressure will typically rise in the process...for them anyway.