The Commission estimates that in 1990 there were 42,000 fires involving home electrical wiring, resulting in 340 deaths, 1,370 injuries, and $569 million in property losses. The total annual cost to society was approximately $1.3 billion.

my bold to indicate key wordage...

NO, it isn't! By spending 50 mil to TRY to save one life you are killing hundreds or thousands of people who could have been saved if the money had been better spent, perhaps on heart disease tests, or mamograms, or colon cancer screenings, or food and shelter, or free electricity in the hot months, or hiring more cops or 911 dispatchers.

Or perhaps......Real Electrical Inspections by Real Electrical Inspectors!

(what a novel idea!) [Linked Image]

50 mil of that would 'buy' a lot of safety IMO.....but hey, no corporation would profitright??