I've went to Ufer grounds everywhere in the last 2 years. It took some educating of the local inspectors but it's worth it. It does make the telephone guys mad that they don't have my ground rod to tag on to but that's life. It can be such a crap shoot when driving a rod around here. It always seems like the drains, gas line sleeve or water line ends up in the same corner as the UG service does and it's a gamble to start ramming 8' of anything in the ground there. Not to mention what nature or someone has burried there. I did a new house once and couldn't get anything deeper than 3'. The excavator who dug the foundation later told me he uncovered 6'x10' sections of concrete sidewalk. The building site had once been a dumpsite for the city when they re-did Main Street. On a rural new home job that had been a farm years ago, the excavator dug up a 1947 Plymouth sedan while digging the basement for the new house!
Ufers all the way!