In my minds eye I visualise a compact, but high-volume, unit which will be in matt chrome with vivid purple trim, yet still blend into the ambiance of my back yard. Into this virtually-silent but powerful machine, my wife and other assorted minions will toss all the garbage that my lifestyle produces, like slices of uneaten cold pizza, plastic and cardboard packaging, her mother's horrid chicken soup, metal cans, vegetable peelings and beer and scotch bottles, the dirty dishes etc.. The unit will silently digest all of this rubbish, [ and I might even get a plumber in, fresh from his months vacation in Aruba, to direct all our unmentionable body wastes into it too ], and turn it into gasoline, heating fuel, all my electricity needs [ plus a surplus to sell to the poco], potting compost, natural gas, valuable ingots of pure metal, toothpicks and large patio slabs. It will also air condition my garden, stun intruders, peel me a grape on demand and do perfect toasted English crumpets for my tea.
Not much to ask, is it?


ps. with yups of 'blue tooth' leds all over it.
Those, I like!

[This message has been edited by Alan Belson (edited 01-25-2007).]

Wood work but can't!