Years ago, I did some work at the Utah State Prison. I was accompanied by a guard at all times. First day, I wore my normal work outfit: boots, jeans, and a denim shirt, with a denim jacket, all from JC Penny's. I got a lot of looks and taunts from the cons. The guard told me the reason: the uniform for the cons was JC Penny jeans, denim shirts and jackets. They thought I was a new con and they were priming me for my first encounter. Next day, and every day after, I wore my red and green flannel shirts, and my Carhart jacket.
They offered us a free lunch every day. It was served by the cons, and after eating once, I considered who was serving me, and brown bagged it.
While I was there, some cons burned an empty barrel of oil hidden in a pile of trash under the Utah Power and Light main High Voltage feeder, it blew up and the fire-ball caused the entire State of Utah to be without power for a couple of days. Initially, they were looking at me as the cause.
