When I was in the computer biz I saw lots of "inside" work done over the years and I never saw a permit until it was IBM doing the work as a 3d party. When the building management did it, the work was always just "done".

US government offices never got permits, even if they leased the building.
I have some interesting "GSA" stories.

After 1995 <new laws> the State of florida got permits but they wrote their own and contracted the inspections (my job).
The law allows ANY state employee to do the work. When it is a big operation with a competent maintanence staff the people were usually good. Ken Collingsworth at Desoto Correctional ran the most professional jobs I ever saw, including those done by very good contractors. I think he "traded" around the system to get the best "locked up" electricians. Their EMT was a thing of beauty.
On the other hand we had park rangers who had a time life book and watched This Old House a lot. [Linked Image]
At that point I did become an instructor more than an inspector, (in spite of what they tell you). I didn't care. It paid the same and I wasn't that busy. My boss (the AHJ) told me to just make it safe. He didn't care how it happened.

Greg Fretwell