1) Please remember that this is a free site, where people voluntarily give answers if they happen to know something on the topic in question, if they have time, if they happen to be at the computer, etc. If you want a _guarantee_ of an answer, then you have to pay a research service.

2) That said, the members of this site are here to share knowledge, to learn and to teach, and are generally more than willing to answer questions!

3) I don't see your question anywhere; perhaps it didn't actually get posted, or perhaps it was posted when no one with useful input was available, and the question then 'rolled to the bottom of the stack'. When you are 'bumping' a question up to the top, the best way is to reply to the original post, or to provide a link back to the original post. Asking people to hunt around to find your question is a great way to get it ignored!

4) The more specific your question, the more likely that someone will have an answer for it. If you ask a question that requires a long essay to answer, the response will usually be something like 'gosh, I'd love to write that book....later....when I have the time' [Linked Image]

5) Finally, this is me speaking for myself, based upon my own experiences with this site. The moderators can provide you with the official word. [Linked Image]

Good luck!


[This message has been edited by winnie (edited 09-21-2005).]