Glad to see your still here to post about that close call. Your accn't is a good reminder of how just the simplest of tasks can go wrong, and just how easy it can become our time to go in this trade.

Kudo's to remaining on the jobsite after that (spare pair in the truck eh? lol).

My mechanic had a 400a panel blow because he forgot to sweep the panel top before removing the cover and had some loose screws drop in and behind the busbars, even though I was on the building roof at the time I felt the whole building shudder and new something had gone wrong. I don't think I shimmied a ladder so quick to run inside and found him holding the huge panel door with only singed arm hair and a blank stare yet still alive. The panel was destroyed, busbars gone, scorched walls all around and behind him and smoldering carpet on the floor beyond the electrical room door.

This was my 3rd day on the job and new to the electrical game, but everytime I pull a panel cover that memory pops up and I get a lil shiver.
