>I would use #12 as a minimum size, just because I am that way [weird?].
There are several of us who are weird that way.

> [might go as far as using 15 amp c/b on #12 cu!].
Of course. This is normal!!

>I am just that way!
So am I!

>I was going to say the same thing
Reading your post, I see that we think alike on quite a few things-- except that I think that $3.15 circuit breakers are too inexpensive to skimp on. Didn't Virgil say that he uses them for filler plates?

I should explain my comment made in another thread that I now backwire receptacles. That is backwiring with screw-down clamps -- not backstabbing.

I am using commercial receptacles now. I have to show people the package and explain that they are higher grade receptacles (plugs don't fall out so easily). Otherwise, people think that they are bad because they are so hard to get a plug into them the first ten times.

[This message has been edited by Dspark (edited 09-29-2001).]