We have been with Nextel for like a Billion Years now [Linked Image]
Seriously, it's been so long, I cannot remember a time without having a Nextel Cellular Phone (or using the Direct Connect Radio feature either).

Nextel's Customer Service is best decribed as "Extremely High Negative Air Pressure"
(Sucks Big-Time).

Equal feelings towards the Billing Department as well.

Have the same issues with the 2-way Radio as others here described:
Endless "User Not Available" messages + error tones when trying to reply, loss of signal strength - resulting in a sound which resembles Mickey Mouse after drinking 5 Venti Cappuccinos with extra quad shots, then inhaling Helium...
[Linked Image]
"Cell-Site Hogging" (goes to a certain site and stays there until you get Mickey Mouse effect really bad),
and other non-cool issues.

On that subject, it's kind of funny when new users to the Radio feature begin Transmitting their conversations.
The Mic is about 0.0025 microns from their lips, and the PTT button is randomly held closed during the speak - resulting in:

"Brrssssaakk.....GHaaaakk........Akkgsssieeettt.......(beep), .....(beep-beep)......Aggeeellssnnnvveet..... (beep).... Did Youuugggggghhhaaaa Thattsssssssmm!@!^%@$#...."

OK enough of the Negative aspect!

On the good side, the radio feature is very handy on jobs - and use with other trades personnel makes it an even better tool.
If you are not driving, the radio works OK - provided there is not 10,000,000 other users talking at the same time (results in good old "User Not Available" - CO05)

My Wife and I recently upgraded from our Legacy i1000+ flip phones, to something less of the Jurassic Period [Linked Image]

She has the i730 flip phone (with the color screen, midi songs, etc.), and I got the i58sr (with yellow face).
I like the i58sr! It's durable (built to mil.specs I believe).
So far it has fallen 6 times from 8 foot ladders, and still works fine.

The sudden need for the device to observe the floor level was due to a very crappy holster I mistakenly (kicking myself at all times) purchased.
Suggest to anyone with the i58sr - do not get the small plastic "swinging" holster!

We had trouble with dropped calls in our area for about a month - more on my wife's phone than mine.
After performing software upgrade / patch / buggy-wuggy killer utility, things are rather solid!

I am kind of at a disadvantage per cellular devices and providers, as I have dealt with Nextel's service and devices almost universally.

Last year, when I was working as a P.M. / Estimator / Injunear / Broom Pusher [Linked Image] for a local EC, they set me up with a Qualcomm phone, with Sprint as the provider.
That service and device brought a whole new meaning to the term "Sucks"!

So much for my 2ยข on the cellphone discussion.
Should make you want to run right out and grab a Nextel Service Plan! (then run directly to the nearest Psychotherapist).
[Linked Image]


Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!