Verizon is supposidly the best, i have a cousin who works for cingular and even he says it.
But cingular and At&t are doing their final merge this month, and could very well put cingular on the top of the list.

BTW, i'm in the NJ, NY area.

Verizon phone choices suck, they are almost all fragile flip phones. And verizon is at least $20 more on any plan a month.

Cingular's customer service sucks, they tend to blame everything on the customer as if they were trained that way.
But phone choices are far better.

Stay away from motorola unless you have nextel. Nextel has better quality phones meant for working guys. Problem with nextel is that the two way works great but for actual phone calls the reception is bad.
But the motorolas for verizon and cingular are a joke, they'll spend more time broken or being fixed than used. Nokia is the way to go, battery life is twice the motorola, and volume goes twice as high, so you can hear the freaken thing.

I use cingular, best phones, best prices, just make sure to read your bill every month, you never know what they will add or remove.

[This message has been edited by 2000xp8 (edited 11-10-2004).]

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