It really comes down to this:

Would you rather have a punctual employee who screws things up, causes your jobs to fall behind, and refuses to work late? Or a mildly tardy employee who does outstanding work, ensures your jobs run ahead of schedule, and will work late without any problem, and does the best he can for you and your business? I think the answer is a no-brainer.

Of course, some will say you have a right to expect it all... well good luck with that pie in the sky thinking. A simple fact of LIFE is that you can have ANYTHING you want, but you can't have EVERYTHING. And it doesn't matter how much money or power you have, this basic law applies.

If you're in the NYC area and this kid is as good as you say, do me a favor and fire him and forward me his contact information, so we can hire him immediately. If you have or know of others like him, please do the same. In return, I'll send you a bunch of mediorce people who are always on time.

I'd much rather an employee who is more focused on the job than the clock.

The Industrial Revolution has long been over, and so to should be its antiquated thinking. Besides, life is too short to worry over insignificant details. And what about the ensuing aggrivation you might encounter with his replacment? The old saying "you know what you've got, but you don't know what you're gonna get", seems appropriate here.
