I just thought the terms applied to the definitions were funny - regardless of where they are supposed to be from!

I like the way words can be metaphorically used, and how it ends up being humorous!

Example: One part of my E-mail message Sigfile has "Definitions" for words (just for a funny thing to place in the Sigfile, used for positive ID).
Definition for the word "Control" = (Con + Troll), n. A Small Prisioner Living Under A Bridge.

The wordage is just a silly way to describe Control, not an offensive slurr towards anyone!
This is what I was getting at in the reply!

The definitions for Barium, C section, Dilate, Hangnail, Labor Pain, Nitrates, Tablet and Terminal Illness would be the ones I want to add to the Sigfile (hope to make it select 3 random definitions each time a message is created).

Scott35 s.e.t.

Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!