Drama has a lot of different methods tha all are what most, if not all of us wish would go away. But, alas it never will.

It takes many routes, has many forms, and unfortunatley we have to deal with it the best we can on a regular, perhaps daily basis. Be it the office staff having bad days, either being aggravated by an irate phone call, a person at the counter, etc.

Then, you have the political issues, the "friends", and all the other cronies who impose on a normal day. Basically looking for inspections that are not scheduled due to oversite on their parts.

Then you have the problem issues; complaints that must be checked, non-permitted work in progress, demo jobs turned bad, hacks, unlicensed trunk slammers, etc. Add in the response to the Fire Dept,, Fire Marshall, and of course the vehicle vs. structure accidents.

I could go on.....
