You have asked a very broad question. Your question is similar to asking if all electricians that install low voltage residential alarms circuits, if they aware of the NEC installation rules and safety requirements regarding commercial work? or if they receive any training on the NEC? In most situations the answer is no.

Electrical engineers that design power related installations are aware of the NEC installation rules and safety requirements, and receive training on the NEC, or they are under the direction of an engineer that does so. New engineers do not have the benifit of an engineering apprentiship programs like many electricians would for installations, and endure many years of on the job training, similar to electricians, except in more controlled conditions (in an office or pulled aside at a job site). Generally we learn by having a senior engineer instruct us on a project by project basis, or screw up (this appears to be the best way that I have learned, since I do it often, and try not to repeat the mistake!)
