I read the article (http://www.santepublique-editions.fr/obj...ril-21-2016.pdf) and can safely say that I do not have the expertise to comment on the validity of the claims made one way or the other. That said I find the format that it was presented in strangely similar to internet articles where the author is ultimately trying to get you to make an investment in something that is on the cusp of being the next big thing. The bolded text and constant repetition of certain phrases seems unprofessional for a subject that is meant to be taken serious.

Lastly, has anybody viewed the video on the website promoting this technology (http://c-joule-effect-inc.com/electrical_fires.html)? It shows a loose connection in a screw on wire connector gradually heating and eventually producing a flame. I have seen beginnings of this at loose connections on devices and at terminals but never at a screw on connector. Not saying it doesn't happen but I'm wondering how often have any of the other forum members seen a screw on connector in some stage of burning up as shown in the video?

A malfunction at the junction