Well i thought it worked that way here too HotOne, but a few things happened that i still question.

For one, the project owners only retained an engineer long enough to get a set of prints accepted and stamped by the state.

So where does one go when there's an engineering level concern after that?

The flaw was obvious right on down to the sweeper on the job, but until an engineer makes a final determination through engineering calculations that this is indeed so everyone played it like it did not exist

And the politics of it all were just depressing, every Congresscritter on up to the Governor stumped there patting themselves in the back because a few fools with their hands in the stimulus cookie jar blew into town.

Having heard these sorts blubbering at camera crews about how much they support the local economy with THIER project they knew so little about they had to ask directions to get to made me want to start drinkin' again....

The 'influence' was thick as molasses, to the point where some higher ups there were insinuating who had who in their back pocket, i.e.- why i should stfu
