Well, there's a thought .... and, believe me, had he persisted in attempting entry I most certainly would have had Johnny Law out- to verify his authority, if for no other reason.

Fact is, had he attempted to force entry, a camera would have been the SECOND thing I would have thought to reach for.

Yet, such encounters do put the citizen between a rock and a hard place. It's perfectly reasonable for the bureaucrats to try to monitor the funds they disburse- and quite often those checks go out-of-state. It's not impossible for an Alaskan lawman to have official business in Florida. Plus, there's the natural tendency to see what you can accomplish without obtaining warrants, etc. After all, we've all seen the strip-club video that the workmans' comp inspector took of the 'completely disabled' lady showing the most amazing athletic abilities laugh

As I keep saying: the use of government is the use of force. It's a tool best used most sparingly.