
I must confess, I haven't looked into the permit aspect of it yet. I should do that...I don't know what the legalities of it are.

However I don't think anyone who has done renovations in their apartments in the building I live in have ever taken out permits.

I know one guy who definitely didn't...he owns two apartments and knocked down the wall in the middle and joined them. Although judging from what he's done it shure ain't up to my taste....knocking the plaster off the brick walls so they have that "fashionable" exposed brick look, etc. Then he scraped off all the paint on the door frames, radiator covers, etc. to bare metal and had some guy come in and laquer them that it looks like stainless steel.

What can I say...he's a fashion photographer...hehehe. Guess he was going for that loft look. [Linked Image]

Hell...I'd see this guy with a luggage cart at night with a box...tossing the plaster chips in the garbage can on the street corner and dumpsters a couple of blocks down the street. [Linked Image]