'First Customer'

Suddenly a cloud lifts; news spreads that someone is actually using the electric charging point for real; car-park attendants from all over central Nottingham are summoned by walkie-talkie to come and admire the spectacle of an electric car plugged in to a socket.

"Welcome to the Victoria Centre," says the customer services co-ordinator, Gary, who is first on the scene.

"You're our first customer in the three years!"

He is quickly joined by the yellow jacketed Natalie, Amy and Robert.

We are hastily awarded the ultimate prize: free parking for at least two hours.

Then it's back on the road, for the 43 mile (70km) trip to Meadowhall Shopping Centre in Sheffield.

There are about 8 charging points in the centre, so I've learnt by now that no one else will be on them.

Furthermore I venture to suggest in advance that no one else has EVER been on them. At least not for real.

man....talk about dangling the carrot....
