The Cheapo mindset comes from the perception that running wire is easy -- and what the hell -- it's going to be buried in the wall anyway.

Obviously, Mr. HomeOwner/HomeOwer normally DOES NOT have a clue as to how they can go off the rails/ burn down the house.

One example: newish townhome in Reno Nevada 100 yards from the fire station in the nicer part of town. New owners had some illegal immigrant handymen add some circuits for this and that. Took a trip to Vegas. Came back to an entirely razed ruin. Fire marshal concluded that it was electrical. This is the aspect of electrical fires: the 'starter fluid' is constantly juicing the hot zone until flash-over.

Once flash-over occurs the entire structure is toast. ( Forget all those Hollywood staged fires where the hero can run through the inferno -- no lungs can take it & the smoke is incredible.)

Losing all of your personals is a real downer even if the family gets out alive.


Another item with regard to salesmenship: your tool 'crib.'

One fine day, clean up and lay out your tools. ( Helps for theft identification, too.) If your pictures stink hire a semi-pro photographer. (There are a ton available on CraigsList.)

Then explain to the prospect that NO handyman has the toys to properly correct or extend his electrical system in any reasonable amount of time. So, forget about his low per-hour billing rate, he'll take forever -- IF he gets it right!
