Thank you all for your replies and support. I did secure the project.

For comparison i tell perspective clients that the material is similar, is not the same, it is similar. Internet sells GFCI for $2.95 but my distributor sell them for $15.00. so by similar i mean they look similar on the outside but it is the inside that counts. And i tell them that i refuse to buy and install a GFCI that is $2.95

It is the level of service that i provide, you are buying my experience and expertise when you hire me VS the hourly guy from CRAIG'S LIST who does side jobs.

Another analogy is compare targetwalmart to NORDSTROM. the service and quality that NORDSTROM provides can not be compared to TARGET, WALMART. So you can not expect me to perform on the same level with the other guy who does side jobs and/or who is a handyman.

Just for the record I don't have anything against handyman. I respect them according to the level that they want to be respected.

Be kind to your neighbor, he knows where you live