Going private seems to me a double edge sword. One of my hats I wear is government electrical inspector. Granted Federal is different from State and state is different from city/munies. I have seen government try to privitize operations and in the end they pay more and get less. Government funtion by contract. The more you put into it, the more it is going to cost you, the taxpayer. the less you put it it, the more you, tax payer will pay in trying to make a contract with holes in it work. The private guys with look out for their employers best interest, do little as humanly possible in order to maximize profit. In theory and there are many who do that work for the government that looks out for employers best interest, the taxpayer.

Being on both side of the fence, I understand way more how the government functions and disfunctions. For those of you who were in the military can better understand what I mean. Everyone one is bound buy rules, regulations and assignment. No matter who you are, we answer to somebody, we are responsible to perform our duties with in the prescribe rules and regulations even if we do not like them. If we do not like the rules and feel strongly about them, there are ways you can change them. At the same time, we live in a democracy so one person does not call the shots despite what some may think.

Good inspectors are in the same boat. The have rules and regs to follow too. Yes there are bad apples out there. There are processes in place to fix that. It is not easy. I founds some regs I must follow that ties my hands which is costing you money. I felt addiment (spelling) about it to the point I have push it all the way through our Washington Office where soon as the red tape settles and three years later, I will be able to do more at less expense.

I feel that the inspectors should stay in govenment. They are the ones who enforce the rules in the building sector like cops who enforce the rules in the legal sector. Can you imagine what it would be like if we privatize the police department? Has anyone seen Robocop? smile

Our govenment is not perfect. no govenment is. We do have a say in ours unlike other parts of the world. If you govenment is busted, fix it or take it as is. Get involved.

Excuse me while I step off my soap box. smile

"Live Awesome!" - Kevin Carosa