God bless you, man! your wearing the same old shoes i wore for a while!.. [Linked Image] 66, i found that one of the hardest things i had to learn to do, besides accepting help from friends, was ASKING for it! none of us here want to see you fail, or get disheartened. [Linked Image].....
i was offered, and finally accepted, financial help from some of the strangest places, way back "when". dont know if you have a church, or if you are even a spiritual man, but, if you are, that is a good place to go and "swallow the pride".... [Linked Image]....the board of deacons in my church, (most of whom were customers of mine at one time or another) unanimously voted to give me financial support, to help get me out of a "hole" very similar to yours. this was a great blessing to me, in more ways than one. this wonderful act of kindness helped me, by helping me through my immediate crisis, as well as generating more work than i could handle at the time, from good-paying fellow church members... [Linked Image] also, the church got a pretty good "in-house electrician", working pretty much free of charge, in return, to take care of the occasional needs of the church and parsonage.
btw, my "contribution" to the cause is on its way, and dont even think about paying back. we'll meet some day....i'm sure of it... [Linked Image]....you can buy me a cuppa joe......... [Linked Image]


[This message has been edited by gramps (edited 12-04-2002).]