"Per-Prints" I learned this one the hard way when a contractor (recently) told me in advance that the basement would include walls and rooms not shown in the original set. I left out the phrase "per-prints" and didn't specify exactly what I would do for my stated price, I was too general and it cost me, they went nuts with add-ons that I couldn't count as add-ons because I failed to draw the clear line I usually draw. I have learned, though, that if I get one of those "we're not going quite by the prints anyway" requests again I'm going to go room by room and specify exactly what they will be getting for my hard earned pay. This counts for sloppy plans as well; specify in your bid what you'll do and that anything not specified is an add-on or change order. I guess it just depends if you want to make the effort.

(billing garbage percentage? what kind of chemically induced state is THAT GC living in?)

Last edited by Samurai; 11/15/07 02:09 PM.