Well, in theory "in dubio pro reo" is valid in all countries I know. However, German lawyers (and courts) seem to have gone a little overboard recently resulting in severe fear of legal action. Illegal use of trade marks is one thing for example. A German board was sued because one of the users posted something that contained the term "Ceran cooktop" but did not refer to a product by the manufacturer that holds the trade mark. Now you can't write that word there any more... but it is common language, pretty much synonymous for all those cook tops.
They have seen the rise of an incredible number of lawyers just scanning the internet for illegal (or even dubious) activities waiting to sue people, mostly for trade mark and copyright issues. Mostly those lawyers tell people: "You did something illegal. Either you pay this sum to the copyright/trade mark holder (and a nice provision to me) or I'll rat you to said holder who'll sue you.

This practice ("Abmahnungen") has gotten heavily out of hand it seems and raised a lot of dust, so most Germans just seem to panic.

If we need anything here then it's an off-topic area for discussions like this!