I fear it's even worse... I didn't get an answer from Austria but from Germany I heard this: "Can you PROVE you were allowed to take the pictures?"

I think from a legal point of view there are 2 different issues. First, copyright. It's in the hand of whoever held the camera (as long as we're talking amateur pictures, a paid photographer working for a company is a different thing, here the company owns the copyright).
Publishing the picture might be a different cup of tea though.It is indeed true, that ECN can't be held responsible for hosting the pictures, so I'll probably post some of the pictures.

What are you reffering to concerning freedom of speech?
The only issue that comes to my mind is Nazi related topics. It's pretty tough to actually get persecuted for that, things have to be pretty bad. (There's a felony called "Wiederbetätigung" which means you must not praise the Nazi regime or its deeds and similar issues. For example, it is technically illegal to say in public there weren't any gas chambers in the concentration camps.

And as far as only this very dark chapter of history is concerned I can absolutely live with this small restriction of the freedom of speech.
Besides, I think this law was originally instated by the allied troops who saved us from the Nazis.