Originally Posted by ShockMe77
Hi John!

Hey, John, when would I need to remove H- 7's in favor of an energy compliant fixture? Couldn't I simply install CFL's and comply? The gov't interference thing comes from, well, the gov't telling us what to use. It is BS! If customers want incadesents who are we as EC's to tell them no? The less gov't interference the better is what I always say. Free-market, Ooo-Rah!

On the goverment interfering, I agree less is better, no question about it, unless it is for the public good.

Some of the energy proposals, and laws are just that, for the public good, yes I would like to have a choice on what lighting I use, however if using a more efficent lighting, reduces the demand on the power grid, and benifits the public at large, then, the law is working for everyones benifit.

I would like to have a chicken coop in the back yard, for my benifit, however living in a residential area, the public at large in my neighborhood, would be deprived of their right, to a quiet, and oderless enviroment, so goverment establishes a law, no raising chicks, in residential zones areas.

We get so caught up with rights issues, and policies, we sometime forget, that we control the issues, and policies, it's that strange thing called voting, even on the codes presented, we have the oppertunity to make proposals, and changes.

Making the UCC more accesable, will only help everyone understand it's scope and purpose, having it on the internet for NJ licensed electricians would allow us easy access.

Last edited by LK; 08/03/07 03:08 PM.