None of us has a crystal ball...and, in this day of meth abuse, even the best man can fall fast!

I suppose the first maxim that comes to mind is "apples never fall far from the tree." Someone from a solid family is likely to be solid also.

I was stumped by this question...until I went grocery shopping. The "bag boy" was exceptionally 'on the ball,' and really stood out in his willingness to help out, knowledge of the store, and awareness to his surroundings.
I thought to myself "this guy needs to get into the trade!" If I'd been looking for help, I'd have spoken to him right then.

So I advise you to keep your eyes open, and watch people as they function in the real world. If you see someone who impresses you, recruit them.

The second thought I had was to ask myself "does this persom remind me of when I was that age?" Might be a good prospect, if the answer is 'yes.'

Finally, think of your work. Do you do a lot of physical labor...stuff like massive wire pulls and digging ditches? Or, are you focused on service calls, tenant improvements, and control work? Maybe an older person, a woman, or a carry-over from another trade is a good prospect.

(Heck, all low-voltage guys wish they were 'real' electricians, don't they? :-) )