When I first started out, Verizon talked me into advertising. (My fault, I was still wet behind the ears).
The prices you show are pretty cheap. In my area the prices range from:
Full page add, no color= $2000+ month
1/2 page add, no color= 1300+month

They told me the same thing about the call volumes, it turned out not to be true.
I did the same thing most seasoned folks do, dropped all major adds in the books, and only have our names listed. Most of the folks we found looking in the phone book are looking for a name they already know, they just forgot the number.
They phone book people will tell you "9 out of ten people looking in the book are ready to purchase". True, but what they are not telling you is 9 out of 10 telemarketers are looking in the book to sell you something. 9 out of 10 people looking in the book are looking to call 3 or more people for prices only. 9 out of 10 unemployed people are calling you to see if you are hiring. 9 out of 10 competitors are calling you to find out your rates.

When I first advertised, it was for one year. (the books come out every year). What I didn't read was the clause that allows them to charge you for extra months if they don't get the books out on time. I paid the year up front. Then because the books came out late they tryed charging me for 3 extra months. (still fighting this one). Once again, my fault for beleiving them.

In all, the yellow books are not what they say, I found out there are better bang for your buck advetising out there.

As Aline stated, "most went out of business".
I agree, they made the mistake of 1/2 and full page adds without doing research and got burned. It happens.

To the smaller guys out here, call around to some of the successful businesses, not electrical contractors, but paver, plumbers, HVAC guys. Pick some who have been around for 10 years or so. The owners, I have found , will be more than happy to give you info on advertising, what really works and what doesn't. People who sell advertising will tell you anything to get your money, it's business.

Good luck......