it think it was act 136, or maybe 137 (VSA)created a few years ago here. We followed it for some time, basically it allowed for public use of de-fibs.

This meant the bro's in blue, given an extended cpr course, could carry them on board.

It also meant defibs could accessed publicly at theaters, ballfields, anywhere those in charge wished to have them....

Who has the higest rate of defib saves? and old ARC rag i carted around during the act 136 jihad headlined the cops as numero uno

fwiw, the cops being more places than ems reduced the window of opportunity substaintially, creating better's not because people code at donut shops....

add to this the homeland security golden goose funding grants that has this greased rather well...

the ARC & AHA both have short cpr/defib courses now, they work, i've taught them (AHA, the ARC is a pita)

the state of VT dept of ems immediatley dropped anything to do with cpr, and now it's insane leader has issued a leter recommending removal of these units from all our bro's in blue

this isn't the first turf war he's created either.... believe me , when it comes down to safety, a $$$ is always either pushing or pulling the strings

point out, however, that the status quo may be bias, and guess what? your usually alone doing so.....
