MC or BX (properly installed)have the advantage of better RF shielding, which can help reduce radio interference, and some of the "unexplained flakiness" of stuff like X-10 systems, powerline networking, etc.

NM cables can also be dangerous when hit by an errant nail by a careless builder or homeowner. I got a call one time from a person being shocked by a metal picture frame. A check showed that the nail that hung the picture (on a metal wire) was hot! It was driven partway into a piece of NM cable, managing to hit only the hot conductor. Had ben that way for quite a while, from the rusted appearance of the nail.

At least with the metal-clad cables, such a nail would have to pierce the grounded armor first, resulting in a ground fault that either trips the breaker and/or makes itself known with a flash/bang. No easy way for a hot nail/staple to "lie in wait" for a victim.