Arch has provided detail for cove lighting of a dining rm.
(Real quick sketch) Anyway, it sitting 6" back, inside a cove with a 3" opening. Personaly I think it a violation of 410.9. What do you think?
Spec for the flexible halogen strip lighting requires 2" clearance bulb to combustables. I figure if the fixture were in a Al excursion track accessory, and wired so it could be taken out of the cove for relamping, or maint. (By leaving a length of conductor behind the fixture) The edge of the track has a lip that could be slid into a notch to help keep the fixture in place with a little pressure. Other than a bigger cove, what do you think?
[This message has been edited by e57 (edited 08-20-2005).]
[This message has been edited by e57 (edited 08-20-2005).]