Hi John,
Table C.10 is in Annex C.
I read telecommunication specs as part of my day job, so I'm trying my hand at interpreting the NEC codebook (gotta keep the brain busy). Since I've never done it before, I was looking for a sanity check to make sure I'm following the references correctly. But, if this isn't the right forum, please let me know.
The pool question is prompted because I have a contractor replacing some equipment and I get the feeling that the pool bond / equipment ground codes have changed a bit. And while I'd love to have blind faith, I'm a born skeptic. Specifically... I'm trying to understand section 680.26(B)(4).
That section says that pool pumps/heaters/etc should be bonded to the pool unless they are "double insulated." This section also states that the internal metal parts shall have an equipment ground to the panel.
Q1 - If the accessible metal parts of "double insulated" equipment are not bonded to the pool, shouldn't they be bonded to the panel ground? This section doesn't explicitly say that. Maybe I don't fully understand what "double insulated" means.
Q2 - If a double insulated pump is installed, then a #8 bond wire must be provided in the vicinity for a replacement motor (that is not double insulated I assume). This bond wire, if the pool bond is not connected to the equipment ground, should be connected to the equipment ground.
So if I read this correctly, a new pump that is not double insulated must be bonded to the pool and grounded at the panel, while a replacement pump (for a "double insulated" pump) could use the panel for grounding AND bonding?
I think I really just need to understand the purpose of the pool bond and why it is not required to be connected to the service ground. And if they are not connected, what is the appropriate bonding point for pool equipment.
You guys ever get headaches from this?
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