YEP! Several times! Fortunatley at the smoked or toasty stage. I get the call, "My lights sort of blink out, then come back on?" This is usually sometime after an insulation contractor, or HO improvement. You drop the can out, and the usually fluffy stuff is thin and blackend. Just waiting for Christmas. (The holidays are the time when most lights are on, and longer.) The thermal device protects the cans themselves. If it ignites the insulation above or around it, it is too late. Most times the thermal will fail in a situation like this, and go out, sometimes fail, and stay on.
I and the company I currently work for, have a policy. 'If it can be insulated after the lights were put in, they get IC.' ie top floor, or attic/crawl spaces.
[This message has been edited by e57 (edited 10-14-2004).]