Hi Steve. BAsically thats right. The code(s) are refering to "operable parts", so I would view it as 1/2 of the duplex receptacle and at least the top of the switch in its highest position.
Also, be careful about the heights of other elements you might be installing, like thermostats, which will have the same regulations. I think we have some stuff on this at the "building codes" section, if it will help.
BTW: I hope I don't sound like an A$s, but the term "handicap" is considered by many people to be derogatory. The term came into being from the disabled not being able to find work due to a disibiltiy, and asking for hand-outs, often by having people place money in a hat or cap.
I don't personally care one way or the other about the language you or other people use, but I figured it might be worth throwing out there. I beleive the more proper term would be "disabled people" and "accessible bathroom" or "accessible element".
[This message has been edited by Ryan_J (edited 04-29-2004).]