I've put in a few small ones to provide power for remotely located instrumentation, but "whole house" PV systems aren't really big around here. I don't think that the Northeast gets enough solar radiation to be a practical location for "off-grid" living.
Thanks for answering NJ. I just started an electrical contracting business a few months ago and would like to get into renewable energy. I believe it is possible for PV to work in this part of the country. I'm trying to find somebody to work with so I can get some practical experience.
wire654, ironocally the 'alternative' biz is fueled by the grid giants zeal for $$$ & the fed's disdain for the nuke plants. ( I believe we in VT are #3 @ 11.7 KW & Yankee {nuke plant} day's are ###'d...) it's a growing biz, you can learn more Here
Would love to get involved in that kinda work (unreconstructed hippie that I am ), but haven't had any calls for it. The biggest RE project I have been asked for was a 240V line into a garage to power an EV charger.
HomePower magazine has a lot of good practical information, including a monthly column on the NEC and how it applies to RE systems. http://www.homepower.com
[This message has been edited by NJwirenut (edited 03-18-2002).]
They've got a lot of great info there. I've been meaning to delve into that area for quite some time, but haven't gotten around to it yet. (This Year!) Our Local Utility (LIPA) is giving instructional seminars I think and saw that they are giving rebates of $6 per Watt as an incentive to install solar.
Approx. 10 years ago we installed a 6KW Power Company interactive system in one of our Nature Reserve Facilities. It actually did help reduce our monthly electric bills. The Power Company was very helpful.